As part of our work with the ‘open-source’ Pathfinder Method we’re inviting 6 thoughtful and engaged leaders, and over breakfast, we will discuss the varied complexities of driving growth and discuss ways to improve productivity...
We’re inviting 6 decision-makers responsible for the growth of their firm to experience our round-table event first hand. We’re hoping that by experiencing the event first-hand we might be able to collaborate with your firm to host a similar...
We’re inviting 6 decision-makers responsible for the growth of their firm to experience our round-table event first hand. We recently ran our round-table for a firm’s clients as an added value event and it is amazing what quality insights...
As you might know, we are attending Elite Business Live @ ExCel London on the 21st and 22nd of September 2016. At this event we will be hosting a workshop at 10am on the 21st of September so you can see first hand how our pathfinder model works...
Die wachsende Komplexität – des Marktumfeldes und im Unternehmen selbst – stellt uns Unternehmer und Geschäftsführer vor immer neue Herausforderungen. Wie reagieren wir um Produktivität und Harmonie im Unternehmen zu erhalten bzw. zu steigern?...